95  人才市场人才流动情况20062007
Markets of Human Resources and Exchanges (2006-2007)
                Item 2006 2007
人才流动机构(个) Number of Agencies of Human Resource Exchanges (unit) 93 100
  政府人事部门所属     Belong to Official Departments 25 42
  非政府人事部门所属     Belong to Un-official Departments 68 58
人才市场(个) Number of Human Resource Markets (unit) 37 31
举办人才交流会(次) Number of Assemblies of Human Resource Exchangeds (time) 960 1572
登记要求流动人数(人) Number of Registered Persons Desiring Exchanges (person) 454901 595334
参加人才交流会人数(人) Number of Persons Attended the Assemblies (person) 485552 1786000
参加人才交流会的招聘单位(个) Number of Units Attended in Assemblies of Human Resource
  Exchanges for Job Applications (unit)
45501 132266
全年接收人事档案数量(份) Number of Personal Files Received (copy) 33258 43859
现存人事档案总量(份) Number of Personal Files Remained (copy) 192748 216175
当年流动人员职称评定(人) Professional Titles of Exchanging Persons in Current Year (person) 4404 3394
  评定高级职称人数     Senior Titles 321 268
  评定中级职称人数     Medium Titles 1165 958
  评定初级职称人数     Junior Titles 2918 2168
Note: Indices of this table refer to personnel departments except that agencies of human resource exchanges refer to Chongqing total.