96  劳动力市场职业介绍情况20062007
Career Service of Labor Markets (2006-2007)
单位:人     (person)
         Item 2006 2007
年末职业介绍机构个数(个) Number of Career Service Agencies (unit) 392 420
#劳动保障部门办  Run by Official Labor Securities 187 244
    #区县及以上   Districts & Counties and above 43 43
登记招聘人数 Number of Registered Job Applications 459868 596275
登记求职人次(人次) Number of Registered Job-seekersperson-times) 462582 593153
#女性  Female 188255 267869
#下岗职工  Laid-off Workers 19909 34398
#失业人员  Unemployees 214739 255712
#获得职业资格人员  Persons with Certificates 68507 82498
职业指导人数 Number of Person-times of Vocational Guidance 366777 555738
介绍成功人次(人次) Number of Persons Employedperson-times) 231328 291053
#女性  Female 103063 132681
#下岗职工  Laid-off Workers 14572 19827
#失业人员  Unemployees 103113 128234
#获得职业资格人员  Persons with Certificates 44315 46742