Appendix I: Chongqing's Main Indicators of National
Economy as Percentage of Whole Nation (2007)
    Item     庆  重庆占全国
Whole Nation Chongqing Chongqing as
Percentage of
Whole Nation (%)
土地面积(万平方公里) Land Area (10 000 sq.km) 960 8.24 0.86
年底总人口(万人) Year-end Population (10 000 persons) 132129 3235 2.45
年底就业人员数(万人) Year-end Employment (10 000 persons) 76990 1621 2.11
#年底职工人数     Year-end Staff and Workers 11427 221 1.93
#第一产业     Primary Industry 31444 754 2.40
 第二产业     Secondary Industry 20629 326 1.58
 第三产业     Tertiary Industry 24917 541 2.17
国内(地区)生产总值(亿元) Gross Domestic Product (100 million yuan) 249530 4123 1.65
 第一产业     Primary Industry 28095 482 1.72
 第二产业     Secondary Industry 121381 1892 1.56
     工 业         Industry 107367 1572 1.46
     建筑业         Construction 14014 320 2.28
 第三产业  Tertiary Industry 100054 1748 1.75
        Transportation Storage Postal and
          Telecommunication Services
14604 266 1.82
        Wholesale and Retail Trade
          Catering Trade
18170 458 2.52
工业总产值(亿元) Value-added of Industry (100 million yuan) 405177 4363 1.08
#国有控股   State Holding 119686 2138 1.79
农林牧渔业总产值(亿元) Gross Output Value of Farming Forestry Animal
  Husbandry and Fishery (100 million yuan)
48893 800 1.64
#农 业     Farming 24659 424 1.72
 林 业     Forestry 1862 26 1.39
 牧 业     Animal Husbandry 16125 311 1.93
 渔 业     Fishery 4458 26 0.58
货运量(万吨) Total Freight Traffic (10 000 tons) 2274449 49970 2.20
客运量(万人次) Total Passenger Traffic (10 000 person-times) 2227761 77187 3.46
邮电业务总量(亿元) Total Business Revenue of Postal and
  Telecommunication Services (100 million yuan)
19759 366 1.85
社会消费品零售总额(亿元) Retail Sales of Consumer Goods (100 million yuan) 89210 1661 1.86
全社会固定资产投资额(亿元) Investment in Fixed Assets (100 million yuan) 137239 3162 2.30
#房地产开发投资     Real Estate Development 25280 850 3.36
地方财政收入(亿元) Local Financial Revenue (100 million yuan) 23565 789 3.35
Year-end Saving Deposits of RMB of Urban and
  Rural  Residents (100 million yuan)
172534 3228 1.87
Note:  a) Most of figures of whole nation in this table are primary statistics from China Statistical Summary—2008. The official figures are seen in
China Statistical Yearbook—2008(the same applies to the following table).
           b) Data of industry refers to industrial enterprises above designated size.