Appendix III: Main Indicators of National Economy
by Province, Municipality and Autonomous Region (2007)
    Region 年末总人口
第一产业 第二产业   第三产业
Total Pupulation
(10 000 persons)
Gross Domestic Product
(100 million yuan)
Primary Industry Secondary Industry Tertiary Industry Tertiary Industry Per Capita GDP (yuan)
东部地区 Eastern Region          
    Beijing 1633 9006 101 2479 2053 6426 56044
    Tianjin 1115 5018 103 2891 2669 2024 45829
    Hebei 6943 13864 1971 7253 6567 4640 20033
    Liaoning 4298 11022 1178 5830 5179 4014 25725
    Shanghai 1858 12001 102 5675 5296 6224 65347
    Jiangsu 7625 25560 1726 14286 13000 9548 33689
    Zhejiang 5060 18638 1025 10092 9040 7521 37128
    Fujian 3581 9160 1038 4508 3981 3614 25662
    Shandong 9367 25888 2509 14773 13411 8605 27723
广    Guangdong 9449 30674 1746 15938 14910 12989 32713
    Hainan 845 1230 383 364 278 483 14631
中部地区 Central Region    
    西 Shanxi 3393 5696 313 3395 3098 1988 16835
    Jilin 2730 5226 813 2390 2086 2023 19168
黑龙江 Heilongjiang 3824 7077 893 3780 3412 2405 18510
    Anhui 6118 7346 1215 3283 2752 2848 12015
    西 Jiangxi 4368 5469 910 2827 2264 1732 12562
    Henan 9360 15058 2366 8280 7508 4412 16060
    Hubei 5699 9150 1423 4094 3589 3633 16064
    Hunan 6355 9145 1611 3901 3361 3632 14405
西部地区 Western Region      
    Chongqing 2816 4123 482 1892 1572 1748 14660
    Sichuan 8127 10505 2092 4596 3869 3818 12893
    Guizhou 3762 2710 456 1146 1006 1109 6835
    Yunnan 4514 4722 868 2040 1702 1813 10496
西    Tibet 284 342 55 97 26 190 12109
    西 Shaanxi 3748 5370 595 2917 2498 1858 14350
    Gansu 2617 2699 386 1282 1067 1031 10335
    Qinghai 552 761 86 397 324 278 13836
    Ningxia 610 834 98 420 349 316 13743
    Xinjiang 2095 3494 628 1621 1378 1246 16860
内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 2405 6019 784 3080 2669 2155 25092
广    西 Guangxi 4768 5886 1265 2335 2001 2286 12408
Note: a) Data of general budgetary revenue of local government and general budgetary expenditure of local government in this table are from
              manual for leadership—2008
          b) The figures in this table are calculated at current prices while indices are calculated at comparable prices(the same applies to the following