


简要说明  Brief Introduction






The data of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in this chapter includes the values, composition and indices of GDP in all the years, the share of the contributions of the growth of three strata of industry to the increase of the GDP, the contribution of the three strata of industry to GDP growth, the composition of GDP in income approach, the GDP by expenditure approach, and the value and indices of the GDP of the “one circle and two wings” and the three major economic zones of Chongqing.                                                   

After the economic census, to remain the comparability of GDP in all the years and according to the international practice, the GDPs of the years before 2008 are modified. All the data in this chapter have been modified according to the result of the Second Economic Census of Chongqing, and have some difference with the data in the year books of the previous years. The data in this year book shall prevail.

All the data in this chapter are provided by Division of National Economic Accounting, Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Statistics.