


简要说明  Brief  Introduction


本章资料包括全市金融机构信贷收支、证券和保险业情况, 由市统计局综合处根据有关部门资料整理编辑。资料分别来源于中国人民银行重庆营业部、重庆市发展和改革委员会、重庆证监局、重庆保监局和重庆保险行业协会。


The data in this chapter include the statistics on credit funds balance of financial institutions, securities and insurance, which are sorted and compiled by Division of Comprehensive Statistics, Chongqing Municipal Bureau of Statistics. The data are provided by Chongqing Business Department of the People’s Bank of China, Chongqing Development and Reform Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission Chongqing Bureau, China Insurance Regulatory Commission Chongqing Bureau and Insurance Association of Chongqing.