十一  农业和农村经济



简要说明  Brief Introduction





The data in this chapter show the basic conditions of agricultural production and rural economy, including basic statistics on rural areas, basic conditions of agricultural production, sown area of farm crops, output of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery products, gross output value of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, output value of agricultural commodities and rate of commercialization, and township-owned enterprises.

The data in this chapter are provided by Chongqing Agriculture Commission, Municipal Bureau of Forestry, Municipal Bureau of Water Conservancy and NBS Survey Office in Chongqing, and sorted and compiled by NBS Survey Office in Chongqing. The data of township-owned enterprises are provided by Chong Small and Medium Enterprise Bureau and sorted and compiled by Division of Comprehensive Statistics, Municipal Bureau of Statistics.