Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Total population   refers to the total number of people alive at a certain point of time within a given area.The annual statistics on total population is taken at midnight, the 3lst of December.

Birth Rate (or Crude Birth Rate)   refers to the ratio of the number of births to the average population during a certain period of time (usually a year), which is often expressed in ¡ë. Birth rate in the chapter refers to annual birth rate. The following formula is used:

Birth Rate = Number of Births / Average Number of Population ¡Á 1000¡ë

Number of Births refers to live births, i.e. the births when babies had showed any vital phenomena regardless of the length of pregnancy.

Annual Average Number of Population is the average of the number of population at the beginning of the year and that at the end of the year. Sometimes it is substituted for with the mid-year population.

Death Rate (or Crude Death Rate)   refers to the ratio of the number of deaths to the average population (or mid-year population) during a certain period of time (usually a year), which is often expressed in ¡ë. Death rate in the chapter refers to annual death rate. The following formula is used:

Death Rate = Number of Deaths / Annual Average Number of Population ¡Á 1000¡ë

Natural Growth Rate of Population   refers to the ratio of natural increase in population (number of births minus number of deaths) in a certain period of time (usually a year) to average population (or mid-year population) of the same period, which is often expressed in ¡ë. The following formulas are applied:

Natural Growth of Population = Number of Births - Number of Deaths / Average number of Population ¡Á 1000¡ë

Natural Growth Rate of Population = Birth Rate - Death Rate

Gross Dependency Ratio also called gross dependency coefficient, refers to the ratio of non-working-age population to the working-age population, express in %. Describing in general the number of non-working-age population that every 100 people at working ages will take care of, this indicator reflects the basic relation between population and economic development from the demographic perspective. The gross dependency ratio is calculated with the following formula:


Where: GDR is the gross dependency ratio,

      P0-14 is the population of children aged 0-14,

      P65+ is the elderly population aged 65 and over, and

      P15-64 is the working-age population aged 15-64.

Old Dependency Ratio  also called old dependency coefficient, refers to the ratio of the elderly population to the working-age population, express in %. It describes the number of the elderly population that every 100 people at working ages will take care of. Old dependency ratio is one of the indicators reflecting the social implication of population aging from the economic perspective. The old dependency ratio is calculated with the following formula:


Where: ODR is the old dependency ratio,

      P65+  is the elderly population aged 65 and over, and

      P15-64 is the working-age population aged 15-64.

Children Dependency Ratio also called children dependency coefficient, refers to the ratio of the children population to the working-age population, express in %. It describes the number of children population that every 100 people at working ages will take care of. The children dependency ratio is calculated with the following formula:


Where: CDR is the children dependency ratio,

      P0-14  is the children population aged 0-14, and

      P15-64 is the working-age population aged 15-64.

Resident Population   According to survey of population, it includes the following main items: 1) population who reside in this township or town (sub-district) with residence registered in this area, or population who have residence registered in this township or town (sub-district) but have been away from this area for less than half a year; 2) population having actually resided in this township or town (sub-district) for over half a year with residence registered in other area; 3) population residing in this townships or towns (sub-district) with residence not registered; 4) population with residence registered in this township or town (sub-district) who work or study abroad.

The Illiterate Population   refers to those over 15 years of age who have inability to read or write, or can read or write only a few words.

Illiteracy Rate   refers to the percentage of the illiterate population in the total population above 15 years of age.

Urban Population and Rural Population   Urban population refers to all people residing in cities and towns, while rural population refers to population other than urban population.

Statistics on urban and rural population over the years are compiled in line with the regulations of statistical classification on urban and rural population stipulated by the government, which were in effect at different times.

Figures on urban/rural population for the years between the 3 censuses are adjusted in accordance with the 1990 and 2000 population census data.

Employed Persons   refers to persons above a specified age who had labour capacity and performed some social work for compensation or business gains. Specifically, it refers to persons, aged 16 and over, who performed some work for compensation or business gains for one hour or more during the reference period; or persons who do not work for the reasons of study or on holiday, but had work units or sites during the reference period; or persons temporary absence from a job for disorganization or suspension of work, recession, etc. but not exceeding three months during the reference period.

Employed Staff and Workers   refer to persons who signed labor contracts with working units and working units would pay wages, social insurance and housing funds for them.  Persons who have their work posts but are temporarily absent from work for reasons of study or on sick, injury or maternal leave and still receive wages from their working units are also included. Employed staff and workers also include:

1) Persons who should have signed the labor contracts but not (like people with rural household registration);

2) Employees on probation;

3) Employees beyond the staffing quota, for example, temporary employees;

4) Employees who are sent to other working units but still obtain wages from their original units (situations like on-the-job placement, expatriated assignment, etc.).

State-owned Units   refer to economic units whose assets are owned by the state. Included are non-corporation units registered according to Regulation of the People¡¯s Republic of China on the Registration of Enterprises and Corporations, state organs, institutions and social organizations at the central and local levels.

Collective Units   refer to economic units registered according to Regulation of the People¡¯s Republic of China on the Registration of Enterprises and Corporations where the means of production are collectively owned.

Total Wages of Bill On-post   refers to total remuneration payment to staff and workers in various units during a certain period of time. The calculation of total wages is based on the total remuneration payment to the staff and workers. Therefore, all the wages and salaries and other payments to staff and workers are included in the total wage bill regardless of  sources, reckoning the cost of production or not, category, listing as items of premium taxation or not, and forms, paying in cash or in kind.

Average Wage   refers to the average per capita wage during a certain period of time for employed persons. It shows the general level of wage income during a certain period of time, one major indicator to reflect the wage level.  It is calculated as follows:

Average Earning of Employees=Total Wage Bill of Employed Persons at Reference Time/Average Number of Persons Employed at Reference Time

Total Salary of Employed Personnel   refers to the sum of the labor remuneration paid to all the employed personnel by the employing organizations in a specific period of time, including the sum of employee salaries and the sum of labor remuneration of other employed personnel.

Registered Unemployed Persons in Urban Areas   refer to the persons with non-agricultural household registration at certain working ages (16 years old to retirement age), who are capable of working, unemployed and willing to work, and have been registered at the local employment service agencies to apply for a job.

Registered Unemployment Rate in Urban Areas  refers to the ratio of the number of the registered unemployed persons to the sum of the number of persons employed in various units (minus the employed rural labour force, re-employed retirees, and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan or foreign employees), laid-off staff and workers in urban units, owners of private enterprises in urban areas, owners of self-employed individuals in urban areas, employees of private enterprises in urban areas, employee of self-employed individuals in urban areas, and the registered unemployed persons in urban areas.