Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators


Credit Funds   refer to the funds issued as loans by banking institutions. The sources of credit funds of the banking institutions included deposits, issue of financial bonds, account-payable and temporary gathering, liabilities to international financial institutions, currency in circulation, various reserves, owners rights and interests and other items. The credit funds can be used in forms of loans, securities and investment, account receivable and advance payment, entrusted investment, gold, foreign exchange, cash on hand, government debt and assets in the international financial institutions.

Deposit   is a form of credit by which enterprises, institutions, organizations or households can put money into banks and other credit institutions for safekeeping and interest earning under the principle of free withdrawal. According to different depositors, deposits are divided into enterprise deposits, treasury deposits, deposits of government agencies and organizations, capital construction deposits, savings deposits, rural saving deposits, entrusted deposits and other deposits. Deposits are major sources of the credit funds of banks.

Loan   is a form of credit by which banks and other credit institutions provide funds at certain interest rate to enterprises and individuals in the light of the principle of unconditional repayment. Loans from Chinese banks include short-term loan, medium-term and long-term loans, entrusted loans, and other loans.

Transactions between Financial Institutions   refer to flow of capital between financial institutions, including inter-bank deposits and loans.

Reserve Funds   refer to savings of financial institutions in the central bank and designated reserves to the central bank.

Securities   refer to written certificates representing creditors¡¯ rights, purchased by bond holders or owned by selling products, which can be transacted at the financial markets. They include government bonds, financial bonds, corporation bonds, commercial drafts, stocks, preferential stocks that provide fixed income without the right to share the residual value of corporations, etc.

Stocks   refer to the rights by stockholders and direct investors on the net assets of corporations they invested in. Stocks refer to negotiable securities on creditor¡¯s rights, issued by stock companies certifying the investment by stockholders and their rights and duties depending on their stocks.

Insurance Companies   refer to commercial insurance companies of various forms registered by law and established in China with the approval of insurance regulatory agencies.

Premium   is the fee paid by the insurant based on a proportion of the benefit he or she may get from the insurance plus the insurance value. It includes the income from the deposit of property insurance and personal insurance.

Settled Claim   is the compensation paid by the insurer to the insurant in accordance with the insurance contract.

Payment   includes payment for death, injury or medical treatment and mature payment. Payment for death, injury or medical treatment refers to the money paid to the insurant (of the beneficiary) in accordance with the life of health insurance contract when the insurant encounters accidents within the insured period covered in the contract. Mature payment refers to the mature payment to the insurant in accordance with the life insurance contract at the end of the insured period for the loss which has been checked and found to be in the range of liability of the insurance after an accident has happened to the insured property or to a person who has insured his life. It is further divided into settled and unsettled claim.